Posting now. One minute left until 8:00 on April 11, 2019. Good morning. Well, it got a bit warm this morning, but yesterday it was very raining so the selection of clothes is a topic to be solved. I used to recommend a vinyl jacket, but I used to run on a bus with my umbrella spread out on a rainy day. Rainy days tend to be late for some reason and often run. I remember wearing a vinyl jacket and the inside was one T-shirt.
It may be because the temperature of the car on a rainy day is high, but the humidity is high. In the heat, I sweated with my jacket on and was troubled by that. At that time I had a few clothes, so it was annoying to sweat. I have to wash it. At that time, I regretted that there was no plan in my life in the crowded bus car.
The story changes, but I had a strange dream this morning. It was a dream that the keys of the room I lived in were lost. What does that dream mean? My room key is gone. I couldn’t enter the room because I had no room key, so I asked for help from my neighbor. But I can not do anything because I do not have the key. You have to enter the room to make such measures, such as making a key one more time. If you can not do that, you can not do anything. There was a risk at the key points. I woke up and felt relieved that the trouble was a dream.
If the reality of sweating is a nightmare, it is also a nightmare to have an unpleasant dream. There are many nightmares. I do not know if it is an omen or the opposite. I do not know what the reality will be. And the reality is the reality, and you won’t wake up from it and feel relieved. So funny. That’s it for today. goodbye